Monday, April 26, 2010

Busy Day Today

I had to run some errands in Anderson - some things to return and some things to buy at Ulta. So, we hit the road around 11am. Alex actually slept until 9am!

We tried to eat at Chic-fila, but it was so crowded - so I had a return at Target, so we ate at Target! Alex had the kid's chicken meal and I had popcorn. He ate his entire meal and some popcorn as well.

When we hit Ulta, he was into everything! I had him in the stroller, thank goodness. we ran into Kohls and he cried because he had to get into the buggy - but was better when he saw it was more like a stroller. He has never cried about getting into a buggy before. He kept unbuckling the strap! They really need to make those more child-proof. I finally figured out that it was passed his naptime and he was just fighting sleep. He was nodding off when we got to the register.

Of course, he had a nap on the way home and then, we went to his cousin Jordan's baseball game. He loves Jordan more than anyone or anything else in this world! His face just lights up when he sees him. It is so sweet. Jordan loves him too and wanted to know if he could come over to play after his game. I had to explain that by the time Alex got home, ate supper, and had his bath, it would be time for bed. Jordan's response was - well - he doesn't have school tomorrow!

Our dear friends gave us a party Saturday to welcome Alex to our family. We had a great time and he got the most precious things. I think his favorite thing is the dinosaur shoes that light up. He wants to wear them everywhere and show them to everyone. He is so proud of them. My favorite is between his personalized quilt, his car, my family necklace and his new outfits! Oh - and the books and videos that he got too. I just love everything and we are so blessed to have such great friends.

Sunday, I gave Alex a set of Mega Blocks. I wish I had done this the day we got home. He loves to build things and I have fun with them too! Today we got a farm set to add to his blocks.

We also got his swimmies for our mountain trip this weekend and for the beach in June. I got him an Elmo backpack and an Elmo book that has a little play MP3 player with it. I think that will be good for the ride.

Tomorrow we plan to go to story time at the library and then visit Granny & Grandpa. Granny hasn't been feeling well and Alex misses her.

Alex's English vocabulary grows each day. I am just amazed at what he picks up. The most recent addition are "That's enough" and "Sit!" - which he uses for our dog Chloe and myself when he wants me to sit with him until he goes to sleep.

Still loving our life with our son.

R & T & A


Conethia and Jim Bob said...

What a great update! Glad he is finding his place and making friends easily. The blocks will help his motor skills immensely. You do seem very busy. Have fun in the mountains.

Just Another Day In Paradise said...

I got a copy of the Big Sister Ukraine dvd today, not sure if you have one, want one, etc. but if you do, I will happily copy it for you and send it to you... just shoot me a message either way :)