Monday, January 18, 2010

Glad Tim bought the electronic translator....

because we had a Ukrainian pastor, Sasha, at our church last night and I only understood one word without the translator! And that word

OK - now in my defense, he was speaking Ukrainian and our Rosetta Stone is Russian. We did understand musica, but that was a given - music.

Luckily the translator is Ukrainian born and married to a pastor here in town - and she lives in my mom's neighborhood - so, I think if we get in a pinch once we get the children home, we can make an emergency call.

I have a bad sinus infection - the type that builds pressure in my head and won't break up. I barely slept last night due to the headache and went to work this morning to do payroll. I left around 11:30 and went to the doctor this afternoon. So, I am on antibiotics and still have the remnants of the headache from last night. Hated to use ETO time for today, but I have to get well for the trip.

Will try to post photos of the kid(s) room when I feel better.

Please continue to pray for Al Goff in Haiti. He worked in a medical clinic today. So proud to call him our friend. Those of you who know him will agree. He is so selfless and it is much more that a job to him, it is his calling.

R & T


Conethia and Jim Bob said...

It's amazing the connections you can make to Ukraine when you begin looking! Praying you feel better for you big day! Blessings.

Tim & Rita said...

Thanks. I feel better today, but drained. Always feel better without a headache. Usually when I get a sinus infection, it is a bad one.

It is amazing about the Ukrainian connections here in our area. There is a "village" of Ukraine born families about 45 minutes from our home. One of the Unit Secretaries at work knows them and they help out on her farm sometimes.

Our church has been involved in missions in Ukraine for about 17 years, I believe. We have only been members for the last 2 years though. Hopefully, in a couple of years, we can return on to Ukraine on one of the mission trips.